Pharmacovigilance-related eLearning courses available on The Global Health Network:
This short course provides a general introduction and overview of Adverse Events and how to deal with them when they occur. This course is suitable for everyone involved in clinical research.
This course outlines the role of a Data Safety and Monitoring Board (DSMB) during a clinical trial. Appointed by the trial's sponsors, the DSMBs are responsible for assessing the overall progress of the trial and focusing in particular on analysing the safety and efficacy data.
eLearning resources outside of The Network:
- The UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has free eLearning on ADRs for healthcare professionals
- The Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) have launched a free online course on signal detection and causality assessment and has a lot of filmed lectures and presentations online.
- The World Health Organisation (WHO) website hosts a number of education and training resources relating to Patient safety.
- The Cochrane Adverse Effects Methods Group hosts webinars discussing the challenges of reviewing and searching for adverse effects.
- The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb has developed a web platform to advance pharmacovigilance education at medical, pharmacy and nursing schools. It provides free access to slides, background information, literature and educational methods on pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reactions that can be used in existing courses on pharmacology or pharmacotherapy.
- NHS Education for Scotland and the Yellow Card Centre Scotland (Centre for Adverse Reactions to Drugs Scotland) have six modules about Adverse Drug Reactions
- St James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland have compiled Medication Safety Minutes - bite sized information nuggets each highlighting a medication safety issue of relevance to prescribers
- Pharma Lessons offer several free online training courses in the form of short presentations, prepared for the pharmaceutical & biotech industry. Access their free pharmacovigilance training.
- Clinical Trials Network provides a free online Good Clinical Practice training course. The Good Clinical Practice (GCP) online training consists of 12 modules. Each module discusses a specific GCP standard, including a module on Participant Safety and Adverse Events.
- John Hopkins Bloomburg School of Public Health offers this free online course in Patient Safety and Medical Errors.
- A WHO-ISoP pharmacovigilance curriculum databank is currently available openly online in a pilot format – "Have a try, test the tool and let us know your suggestions at training@isoponline.org"
- Eu2P host a number of different certified courses in pharmacovigilance, including short courses and both Masters and PhD courses.
- The Institute for Global Health, University of Siena, organized and coordinated by the Faculty of Capacity Development, have run an online course for trial study coordinators which includes a module on pharmacovigilance. You can access the materials freely online by registering as a guest.
- BetterCare Learning Programmes (South Africa) include pharmacovigilance topics in several of their free online training offerings.
- TransCelerate (BioPharma Inc) have eLearning that includes Adverse Events and Safety
- A pharmacovigilance module from the WHO Toolkit for research and development of paediatric antiretroviral drugs and formulations covers ART-related regulatory challenges, solutions and case studies in LMICs