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is an interactive web portal developed to advance pharmacovigilance education at medical, pharmacy and nursing schools. Developed by The Netherlands Pharamcovigilance Centre - Lareb (WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmacovigilance in Education and Patient Reporting), it provides slides, background information, literature and educational methods on pharmacovigilance and adverse drug reactions that can be used in existing courses on pharmacology or pharmacotherapy.

The content of the site is based on the following PV key aspects for university teaching, with a focus on clinical practice:

1. Understanding the importance of PV in the context of pharmacotherapy
2. Preventing ADRs when possible
3. Recognizing ADRs when they occur
4. Managing ADRs
5. Reporting ADRs

All documents have free access and can be used by those involved in student education. Anyone who would like to share their material on the portal is invited to contact the Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb, WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmacovigilance in Education and Patient Reporting:

Users are adviser to check the webportal regularly for new content.